Do you have pets? If you do, what pets do you have? If it is a dog, it is one of a good idea since petting the dogs gives many advantages for you. For the first one is that you can have a faithful pets, and for another advantage, you can have a medicine for your stressful life. In the recent study, having a pet can reduce the level of someone's stress. Then, if you have a dog, you must know how to train the dog in order that it can be a good dog. Today, you do not need to be confused since you can know the info of house training through dog training videos in YouTube. If you open YouTube and type the keywords of dogs training, you will find many videos you can watch.
Then, from various tips which you can learn, one of the important training that you must do relating to the potty training. As it is known that the potty training will be the first training that the owner of a dog will do since this training will help the owner to keep the dog easier. Here, if the dog knows where to do potty, the owner does not need to be too busy when the dogs do it. Thus, for those who are still curious and want to know how to start the potty training for the dogs, the information below, indeed, will help them more.
1. The time to start the training
For the first thing which can find in dog training videos is knowing the time when you start the potty training for your dogs. Since this training is important, so that is why you must do it as soon as possible after you adopt the dogs or in another words, you need to do it if the dogs had been with you at home. Why must do it? It is because when the dogs have been got the training soon, it can help the dogs to adapt the new condition. Besides, the training also can make you easier in keeping the dogs.
2. The rules in potty training
The second thing if you want to do the potty training for your dogs is you know the rules in this training well. You need to plan what rules which you will make for your dogs. For instance is about the place where the dogs want to potty. If you live in the apartment which has no outdoor space for your dogs to potty, you can use bathroom. Therefore, here you must train your dogs to potty in the bathroom. Besides, if you live in the house having the outdoor space, it can be better for you to train the dogs to potty in outside. However, there must be thing that needs to think about. You must choose the place which will not make your neighbor disturbed when your dogs do potty.
3. The schedule of feeding in dog training videos
Since the dogs will potty after they eat or 30 to 45 minutes after they eat the food, you need to make the schedule in feeding your dogs. This schedule will help you to know where your dogs will do potty and it can ease you to train your dogs where it must do potty and how. Just for the suggestion, you can feed the dogs in three times a day so that the dogs will not eat the food in free times. This schedule also will make your dogs to be a good dog that knows the times when he or she will eat the food. Then, what you have to put besides the food is the water. The water here is a must for the dogs.
4. The praise for your dogs
After that, the other info which must get in potty training for the dogs is about the praise which you will give for them. As human, the dogs also will be very happy when they got a praise from their owner. This can be done by you if your dogs do the right thing in its potty training. The forms of the praise can be various depending on what you want to. For the first praise, it can be the toys which can help the dogs to play at home. Then, there is the food which you can give to your dogs. In choosing the food, you must be careful since not all the dogs' food will be good for them. In this case, you have to choose the healthy food for your pets. For the last praise, it can be the verbal praise like saying a good dog, a smart dog and many positive expressions.
5. The sign when the dogs will do potty
In dog training videos, you will learn how to know the signs of the dogs which will do potty. Here, you need to learn about it since it can help you to do the potty training for your dogs. In this case, if you have see the signs that your dogs will do potty, you can prepare to train your pet to potty in the place you have been chosen. For instance is if you choose bathroom where your dogs should do potty. After you have seen that your dogs will do it, you must take the dogs to the bathroom and make sure that your dogs do the right thing. That is why you must still watch your dogs in order that you can find the signs when the dogs want to potty.
6. The 'den' for your dogs
Furthermore, the other important thing in dog training videos which you have to do in potty training of the dogs is you make the 'den' for your dogs where in this place, your dogs will do potty. It is a must to be done in order that your dogs will have a place to potty. Thus, your dogs will do potty not in various places but only in its 'den' only.
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